Well tonight is the eve of my number 1 baby girl's birthday and it is always such a bittersweet thing for me. I feel like the time with those I love is just so precious yet goes by faster than I can comprehend. I know I should not hold tightly to the things of this world but when it comes to those I love I simply can't help it.
Tonight a dear friend and neighbor of mine came over to help me decorate for tomorrows taco birthday dinner and I heard my friend say "good night Mya" and sure enough my sweet little girl was soundly sleeping while wrapped in her fuzzy princess blanket. I continued to busy my mind with decorating but my heart strings were being tugged with every streamer. How did life already pass by so fast? I remember wishing colic away like it was just yesterday but now I have a little girl who is currently growing her first permanent tooth. What a year it has been for my sweet Mya Jean. She became a kindergartener and a big sister in the same week, she learned how to tie her shoes, she lost her first tooth its all flown by so fast. This year has been so different for our family because I have seen a side of my daughter I wouldn't have been able to see if we hadn't decided to change her life by adding to our family. She is so incredibly thoughtful and caring. She loves with a passion that makes my heart melt. And she finds such joy in the smiles and laughter of her baby sister that she will do whatever it takes to get them both to the hiccupps. One day Mya was playing outside and someone had hurt her feelings so she came inside crying (I wasn't home to witness this) and when Mya cries...Ava cries. So Mya told her dad all about what broke her heart and as Mya continued to cry... so did Ava and Mya said "I love you Ava, you are my best friend!" and I just can't get over how sweet it is for her to love her sister like that even from the beginning. She is such a sweet, amazing blessing in our lives, and although I don't necessarily like that she's growing up so quickly I do love the person that she is becoming.
Thank you Lord for blessing my life with Mya. I will never be the same, and for that I am grateful.
Hey Ros. I know how you feel! My first born baby is going to be 5 next week. How did they grow up so fast already? I like your blog background and I'm proud of you for starting this. I'm your first follower!